Trinity Armored Security Inc.

This case has SETTLED.

I represent drivers and vault employees of Trinity Armored Security regarding their claim for overtime compensation.

The Company does not pay overtime to any of its drivers or vault employees. A copy of the lawsuit can be found here. Amended Complaint

On September 3, 2014 the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas granted our motion for summary judgment with regard to all of the Company’s defenses. A copy of the Court’s ruling can be found here. Order Granting Summary Judgment

This case is of particular importance because it is the first time a district court located in the Fifth Circuit ruled that the Motor Carrier Exemption does not apply when employees operate “mixed fleet” vehicles.

If you are in a job in which you are denied overtime because of the Motor Carrier Exemption yet you also drive a vehicle weighing 10,000 pounds or less, the employer may be illegally denying your overtime. Under our ruling in the Trinity case you would be entitled to overtime. Please contact me if you would like to discuss.